eat talk eat sleep talk

Sunday, March 13, 2011

8.9 scala richter

it was so sad and heart breaking to see all the damages in japan after the earthquake and tsunami disaster
sangatsangatsangat bersyukur sebab MALAYSIA saya tidak ada semua itu!!

i would really love to talk about what happened there 
how i SEE things from what had happened there
my pray for all the innocent lives which unable to survive the tragedy
my support to all the innocent lives which definitely traumatize as a survivor
we all malaysian will always pray for all of you there
lets check few photos i saw through the net today

 pray for japan

 kontena besepah :(

pray..any-time any-where any-shirt

 check up due to radiation leak

 survivors' notes


 before and after 





 8.9 scalar richter can be described as great impact for an earthquake damage
it may cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across - tq wikipedia :)
imagining how the japanese experienced the impact is so creepy and meng-muhasabah-kan
there are few cases with much more higher scalar richter recording though
scaryyyyyy :'(

to me, yes, it is so sad what had happened to the japanese and the country 
but i do think the mighty ALLAH does have His own reason for everything
He always know what's the best for all
all of us should really put a thought on this tragedy to be grateful with what we have and where we live

i always knew that japanese are so high-tech and advanced - yes they are kan?
somehow someway they are too advance until they might be harmful but they don't care
somehow someway some of them tend to be a cocky to others and they don't care
whatever it is 
all the technology unable to beat the powerful strength of nature

this should be an alarm call for those who may concern
think before you do anything to others because anything is possible
bertahun2 ko simpan and test nuclear sekali tsunami, setel! 
and the worst part, org lain yang x de kaitan yg affected, bukan org yg sayang sgt kat nuclear tu
dono what to say la 

japan is a rich country and a friend to many other rich countries 
so hopefully they will recover soon from all the damages
my pray for all of you innocent japanese

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